Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wedding Anniversary

Hello everyone, welcome again to my reallyreallife. While in class yesterday, my wife was in the bedroom on the laptop. After class I went to see her but she was in the bathroom. I grabbed the laptop and she had a list titled anniversary options. Oh no, Jun 12th is our wedding anniversary. My reallyreallife was almost reallyrealbad.

Gotta go. Gotta get on the case and celebrate 5 years to the baddest woman in the whole land. When we met she was just a 21 year old beauty and now she is a 30 year old beauty. I am blessed beyond all I could have ever thought. Next year will be the 10th year together. I look forward to the remaining years.


  1. Ok I am confused. Your post was done on June 10th and your anniversary is on May 12th, aren't you a little late. Congrats to you and your baddest wife ever :) !!!

  2. Mr.Owens,

    Wow, I remember those days when your wife was just a little girl trying to tell me what to do as if she knew. tee hee. She was so so sweet then and she still is now. But I always knew you two were meant to be together because you both are nuts.


  3. Mr. Owens.

    As you may tell me and hubby are writing this together and I typed my response on his account, so I don't want him to take credit for my message. Yes,I am evil like that..............smfh.....!
